Sounds horrifying indeed. But such are the acts of Jacen Solo in the next book of The Legacy of the Force series, BLOODLINES. What is even worse, his apprentice, Ben Skywalker does not know any better than to follow in his master's footsteps. Lumiya, the dark sith continues to subtly train Jacen in the ways of the sith, and by now he knows that the dark side is his destiny. The war in all but name continues between Corellia and the Galactic Alliance, but Han and Leia Solo have new things to worry about. They hear the of the assured return of the most sinister bounty hunter in the galaxy, and the only man ever to get away from the sarlaac's stomach - Boba Fett. But he is afflicted with a terminal illness that gives only a year or two to live. But does Fett sit back and relax? No. He is trying to find and mend a rift with the daughter he never met. Fett gets a little help from a girl by the name of Mirta Gev and begins the search. Meanwhile, the Solos receive the news that Han's cousin, Thracken Sal-Solo, has put a contract on him. The bounty attracts Fett's daughter, and Jacen Solo killed her by interrogation without revealing it to his parents. Boba Fett finds Han and they work out a deal. Fett can use Han as bait for his daughter as long as Han gets some assistance from Fett in the removing of his evil cousin. Can they all work together? Is Jacen now a full-fledged sith?
BLOODLINES is a great continuation of the Legacy of the Force series! The storyline is well thought-out and this book is cleaner than it's prequel, BETRAYAL. There is, of course, the usual violence of bombing, shooting, and lightsaber fights as is the norm with Star Wars, but if you are allowed to watch the Star Wars movies, you would be allowed to read this book! I rate it a G for older kids and adults, but a parent should read this first if you are an eight-year-old wanting to read this book.
Karen Traviss
Legacy of the Force
Galactic Year
40 ABY
Star Wars
Science Fiction
Del Rey
29 August 2006
ISBN 0-345-47751-0
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