Tuesday, July 24, 2007


The Golden Goblet is a good fictional story of Ancient Egypt.
It gives you a good idea how Ancient Egypt was like. The story centers around a boy named Ranofer who was treated like a slave by his evil half brother Gebu. One night when his half brother was out Ranofer climbed up the stairs of Gebus forbidden room to try to find out all Gebu's secrets. He opened a box and found something very valuable. Later that valuable piece brought him freedom and everything he could ask for.
The story is filled with secrets and adventure in Ancient Egypt.
They believe in many gods and all of them are not real. There is only one God who made the heavens and the earth and the Bible speaks clearly against that :Exodus 20:1
"You shall have no other God
before me."

Author: Eloise McGraw

Rated: G

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